10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Bus rental in Czech Republic will be a suitable trip for you to do the 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. This is also one of the fastest and most detailed ways to help you quickly understand this country. So what are you waiting for, let’s explore each one of the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic.

Czech Republic – destination of the trip to do 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The destination for us to do the 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is none other than the Czech Republic. This is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bordering Poland, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic with more than 1.3 million inhabitants. Geographically, the Czech Republic is located in Central Europe. 

However, according to the United Nations classification, this country belongs to the Eastern European region. And perhaps that is why, historically and culturally, the Czech Republic has a closer cultural relationship with Eastern European countries, especially during the Cold War period. 

Czech Republic - destination of the trip to do 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Czech Republic – destination of the trip to do 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is located in a temperate climate zone, so the weather is not as harsh as other European countries. In winter, the average temperature in the coldest month of the year is about -5.4 degrees Celsius. 

Snow will fall a lot in some mountainous areas but will quickly melt, making winter more humid. In the summer, the Czech Republic has the highest average temperature in July, the hottest month will have a temperature of about 23.3 degrees Celsius. 

The weather in the Czech Republic is very suitable for outdoor travel. Therefore, the Czech Republic is always an attractive destination for many tourists when coming to Europe. The bus rental in Czech Republic trip is ready, let’s join PTBusrental to do each and every thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic.

10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Exploring Prague’s old town square – first thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Exploring Prague’s old town square is the first thing on our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. The outstanding feature of Prague’s Old Town square is the surrounding alleys and a few houses that still retain the lines of ancient architecture.

Exploring Prague's old town square - first thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Exploring Prague’s old town square – first thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

On the west side of the Old Town square is the medieval astronomical clock (Pražský orloj). Across the main square is the Gothic bell tower located in Týn Church. And in the center of the main square is the memorial to Jan Hus, built in 1915 to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant reformer’s execution.

Exploring Prague Castle – second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

The second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is exploring Prague Castle. Once the center of the Roman Empire, Prague Castle was the residence of kings of ruling dynasties, and is now the residence of Czech presidents. 

Exploring Prague Castle - second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Exploring Prague Castle – second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Wandering around the campus, you will see every detail of this ancient castle. In addition, this place is also a place to store crowns and jewelry through historical dynasties. After seeing the castle, be sure to visit St. Vitus, the Old Royal Palace and the Basilica of St. George on the grounds of Prague Castle.

Learn history and enjoy beer in Plzeň – third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Learning history and enjoying beer in Plzeň is our third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. Pilsner originates from the city of the same name, Pilsen, located in the west of Bohemia, a historical region occupying the western half of the modern Czech Republic. 

Our bus rental in Czech Republic will quickly take you from the capital Prague right to this “beer city”. Czech people love drinking beer, and according to annual statistics, they consume up to 150 liters of beer/year. The history of beer brewing in the Czech Republic dates back several centuries. 

And since the founding of Plzeň in 1295, townspeople have brewed their own beer at home, and every house has been given the right to produce and sell beer every few years. However, the quality of beer subsequently declined. 

So in 1839, the townspeople decided to build a city brewery and make someone who knew the business its head. The people thought that the brewery would take over Bavarian technology, so Bavarian Josef Groll was invited to the position of head brewer.

Learn history and enjoy beer in Plzeň - third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Learn history and enjoy beer in Plzeň – third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

In the 20th century, when Plzeň was bombed by the Germans, the brewery was almost completely destroyed. In the years that followed, brewery construction was carried out with many new technologies to increase production to an unprecedented level.

The ingredients used to produce this premium beer are from Bohemian and Moravian barley. The malt used for the famous Pilsner Urquell beer is produced in-house using traditional malting methods. Hops are grown in the Bohemian region of Жatec, near Pilsen. 

And the water used for the production process is water with an exceptionally low content of natural ions and salts. Beer at Plzeň can be considered a specialty of the Plzeň region in particular and of the Czech Republic in general. Please enjoy a glass of original beer at Plzeň to directly taste the perfect taste of this famous beer.

Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary – fourth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The fourth thing in our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary. A short distance from Prague, bus rental in Czech Republic will take you to the town of Kutná Hora. 

And one of the most famous Czech attractions, located in the town of Kutná Hora, is the Sedlec Ossuary church. From the outside, Sedlec Ossuary is not too different from other normal churches. 

Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary - fourth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary – fourth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Many people will just think that it is just an ancient church built in normal Gothic architecture. But as soon as you set foot inside the Sedlec Ossuary, you will immediately understand why this is one of the most special churches in the world. More than 40,000 human skeletons were used to decorate this church. 

Therefore, the Sedlec Ossuary church is also known as the Church of Bones/ Bone Church. One of the most attractive works of art of the Sedlec Ossuary is the huge bone and skull chandelier, placed right in the center of the church. Therefore, Sedlec Ossuary church is a “hair-raising” destination, suitable for tourists who love strange and mysterious things.

Wine tasting – fifth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Tasting wine in the Czech Republic is an indispensable thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. Burčák is a famous wine, a partially fermented Moravian wine. The appearance of Burcak on the wine market dates back thousands of years. 

Wine tasting - fifth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Wine tasting – fifth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

From September, in this “wine country – Moravia” there will be bustling Vinobraní festivals. The purpose of this festival is to mark the grape harvest of grape growers. When you come to the festival, you will have fun, dance and enjoy delicious glasses of famous Czech wine. 

And the main star of those parties is none other than the glass of burčák. Come and enjoy a glass of burčák wine, the taste will surely make it difficult for you to forget.

Visit the festival in Olomouc, Moravia – sixth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

And the sixth thing in our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is to attend the festival in Olomouc, Moravia. This festival, called Hody, is a traditional annual celebration held in many villages and towns of the historical Czech land of Moravia. 

Hody Festival usually takes place from May to November, the celebration time will vary depending on the region. In the central part of the festival, a tall pillar, called the Maypole, will be erected by hand one day before the festival takes place. 

Visit the festival in Olomouc, Moravia - sixth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Visit the festival in Olomouc, Moravia – sixth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The pillar is usually more than 30 meters high and is made from spruce tree trunks. Maypoles are set up and the villagers will join in dancing and singing to the sound of brass music. 

This festival attracts couples in love to participate. Young couples will wear traditional folk costumes of each region when participating in the festival. So, bring your lover or life partner to join and have fun at this festival.

Visit the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov – seventh thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Visiting the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov is number seven on our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. The town of Český Krumlov has a quaint, picturesque beauty, with red-roofed houses nestled between the bends of the slow Vltava River. 

The Renaissance Town of Český Krumlov is a world heritage site recognized by UNESCO in 1992. Tourists on bus rental in Czech Republic often come here to immerse themselves in the town’s culture and historical architecture. 

Visit the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov - seventh thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Visit the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov – seventh thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

When you arrive in the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov, stop by Krumlov Castle in the Latrán neighborhood. Climb the tower and you’ll have a stunning view and explore the castle’s geometric gardens. Also on the castle grounds are two theaters, the exquisite Rococo Chateau Theater and the cunning Communist Rotary Theater.

Explore caves in Moravian Karst – eighth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

And the eighth destination in our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is the cave in the Moravian Karst. A beautiful natural site, Moravian Karst is a Czech tourist attraction, located near the city of Brno. Bus rental in Czech Republic will take you here in just a few hours on the bus.

Karst is an area characterized by limestone formations, underground caves, and picturesque valleys. Punkva Cave is a large cave, connecting caves and underground canyons formed over millions of years under the underground Punkva River. 

Explore caves in Moravian Karst - eighth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Explore caves in Moravian Karst – eighth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

In addition, this area also has Makocha Abyss, also known as Makocha canyon, which is a sinkhole. This is a famous location and is often visited by extremely skilled and experienced divers.

Enjoy a Trdelník – ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

The ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is to remember to enjoy Trdelník. This is a sweet snack, also known as “chimney cake” in English. You will see stalls selling this cake on the streets, and it is the most basic version of Trdelník cake. 

Enjoy a Trdelník - ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Enjoy a Trdelník – ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Trdelník is a sweet cake wrapped into the shape of a round chimney, then roasted over a fire before it is sprinkled with sugar. Some Trdelník sellers also dip them in nuts or top them with Nutella or drizzle them with melted chocolate, to create many interesting flavors for this traditional cake.

Enjoy svíčková – the tenth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

And the last thing you definitely must not forget in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic when coming to the Czech Republic is to enjoy svíčková. This is an extremely suitable dish in the cold winter. 

After a winter tour in the Czech Republic on a bus rental in Czech Republic, you will need something warm to warm your body. So, stop by a local restaurant and order svíčková. Svíčková is a traditional Czech dish, consisting of thick slices of beef covered in a rich vegetable sauce. 

Enjoy svíčková - the tenth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Enjoy svíčková – the tenth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

This dish is usually served with a spoonful of cranberry sauce, some ice cream and steamed buns. Svíčková is the epitome of the comfort of Czech cuisine, and this dish will leave you feeling warm and satisfied. 

And if you want to explore and have more activities during your bus rental in Czech Republic tour, you can refer here, click here.

Join PTBusrental to perform 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Hopefully with the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic that PTBusrental just mentioned to you, you will have an interesting and memorable bus rental in Czech Republic trip. In addition, PTBusrental have private tours in the Czech Republic available as above, and many other tours throughout Europe are waiting for you. 

We are a company specializing in providing bus rental in Czech Republic in particular and in Europe in general. With more than 15 years of experience in the field of tourism, we always have extremely attractive tours in the Czech Republic and Europe. You can refer to 10 interesting things you can do when visiting the Czech city of Prague, click here

Join PTBusrental to perform 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Join PTBusrental to perform 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

See you at the nearest bus rental in Czech Republic so we can do the 10 best things to do in Czech Republic together.

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