10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Bus rental in Czech Republic will be a suitable trip for you to do the 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. This is also one of the fastest and most detailed ways to help you quickly understand this country. So what are you waiting for, let’s explore each one of the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic.

Czech Republic – destination of the trip to do 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The destination for us to do the 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is none other than the Czech Republic. This is a landlocked country in Central Europe, bordering Poland, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic with more than 1.3 million inhabitants. Geographically, the Czech Republic is located in Central Europe. 

However, according to the United Nations classification, this country belongs to the Eastern European region. And perhaps that is why, historically and culturally, the Czech Republic has a closer cultural relationship with Eastern European countries, especially during the Cold War period. 

Czech Republic - destination of the trip to do 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Czech Republic – destination of the trip to do 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is located in a temperate climate zone, so the weather is not as harsh as other European countries. In winter, the average temperature in the coldest month of the year is about -5.4 degrees Celsius. 

Snow will fall a lot in some mountainous areas but will quickly melt, making winter more humid. In the summer, the Czech Republic has the highest average temperature in July, the hottest month will have a temperature of about 23.3 degrees Celsius. 

The weather in the Czech Republic is very suitable for outdoor travel. Therefore, the Czech Republic is always an attractive destination for many tourists when coming to Europe. The bus rental in Czech Republic trip is ready, let’s join PTBusrental to do each and every thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic.

10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Exploring Prague’s old town square – first thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Exploring Prague’s old town square is the first thing on our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. The outstanding feature of Prague’s Old Town square is the surrounding alleys and a few houses that still retain the lines of ancient architecture.

Exploring Prague's old town square - first thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Exploring Prague’s old town square – first thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

On the west side of the Old Town square is the medieval astronomical clock (Pražský orloj). Across the main square is the Gothic bell tower located in Týn Church. And in the center of the main square is the memorial to Jan Hus, built in 1915 to mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant reformer’s execution.

Exploring Prague Castle – second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

The second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is exploring Prague Castle. Once the center of the Roman Empire, Prague Castle was the residence of kings of ruling dynasties, and is now the residence of Czech presidents. 

Exploring Prague Castle - second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Exploring Prague Castle – second thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Wandering around the campus, you will see every detail of this ancient castle. In addition, this place is also a place to store crowns and jewelry through historical dynasties. After seeing the castle, be sure to visit St. Vitus, the Old Royal Palace and the Basilica of St. George on the grounds of Prague Castle.

Learn history and enjoy beer in Plzeň – third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Learning history and enjoying beer in Plzeň is our third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. Pilsner originates from the city of the same name, Pilsen, located in the west of Bohemia, a historical region occupying the western half of the modern Czech Republic. 

Our bus rental in Czech Republic will quickly take you from the capital Prague right to this “beer city”. Czech people love drinking beer, and according to annual statistics, they consume up to 150 liters of beer/year. The history of beer brewing in the Czech Republic dates back several centuries. 

And since the founding of Plzeň in 1295, townspeople have brewed their own beer at home, and every house has been given the right to produce and sell beer every few years. However, the quality of beer subsequently declined. 

So in 1839, the townspeople decided to build a city brewery and make someone who knew the business its head. The people thought that the brewery would take over Bavarian technology, so Bavarian Josef Groll was invited to the position of head brewer.

Learn history and enjoy beer in Plzeň - third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Learn history and enjoy beer in Plzeň – third thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

In the 20th century, when Plzeň was bombed by the Germans, the brewery was almost completely destroyed. In the years that followed, brewery construction was carried out with many new technologies to increase production to an unprecedented level.

The ingredients used to produce this premium beer are from Bohemian and Moravian barley. The malt used for the famous Pilsner Urquell beer is produced in-house using traditional malting methods. Hops are grown in the Bohemian region of Жatec, near Pilsen. 

And the water used for the production process is water with an exceptionally low content of natural ions and salts. Beer at Plzeň can be considered a specialty of the Plzeň region in particular and of the Czech Republic in general. Please enjoy a glass of original beer at Plzeň to directly taste the perfect taste of this famous beer.

Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary – fourth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The fourth thing in our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary. A short distance from Prague, bus rental in Czech Republic will take you to the town of Kutná Hora. 

And one of the most famous Czech attractions, located in the town of Kutná Hora, is the Sedlec Ossuary church. From the outside, Sedlec Ossuary is not too different from other normal churches. 

Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary - fourth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Marvel at bone sculptures at Sedlec Ossuary – fourth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Many people will just think that it is just an ancient church built in normal Gothic architecture. But as soon as you set foot inside the Sedlec Ossuary, you will immediately understand why this is one of the most special churches in the world. More than 40,000 human skeletons were used to decorate this church. 

Therefore, the Sedlec Ossuary church is also known as the Church of Bones/ Bone Church. One of the most attractive works of art of the Sedlec Ossuary is the huge bone and skull chandelier, placed right in the center of the church. Therefore, Sedlec Ossuary church is a “hair-raising” destination, suitable for tourists who love strange and mysterious things.

Wine tasting – fifth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Tasting wine in the Czech Republic is an indispensable thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. Burčák is a famous wine, a partially fermented Moravian wine. The appearance of Burcak on the wine market dates back thousands of years. 

Wine tasting - fifth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Wine tasting – fifth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

From September, in this “wine country – Moravia” there will be bustling Vinobraní festivals. The purpose of this festival is to mark the grape harvest of grape growers. When you come to the festival, you will have fun, dance and enjoy delicious glasses of famous Czech wine. 

And the main star of those parties is none other than the glass of burčák. Come and enjoy a glass of burčák wine, the taste will surely make it difficult for you to forget.

Visit the festival in Olomouc, Moravia – sixth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

And the sixth thing in our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is to attend the festival in Olomouc, Moravia. This festival, called Hody, is a traditional annual celebration held in many villages and towns of the historical Czech land of Moravia. 

Hody Festival usually takes place from May to November, the celebration time will vary depending on the region. In the central part of the festival, a tall pillar, called the Maypole, will be erected by hand one day before the festival takes place. 

Visit the festival in Olomouc, Moravia - sixth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Visit the festival in Olomouc, Moravia – sixth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

The pillar is usually more than 30 meters high and is made from spruce tree trunks. Maypoles are set up and the villagers will join in dancing and singing to the sound of brass music. 

This festival attracts couples in love to participate. Young couples will wear traditional folk costumes of each region when participating in the festival. So, bring your lover or life partner to join and have fun at this festival.

Visit the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov – seventh thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Visiting the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov is number seven on our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic. The town of Český Krumlov has a quaint, picturesque beauty, with red-roofed houses nestled between the bends of the slow Vltava River. 

The Renaissance Town of Český Krumlov is a world heritage site recognized by UNESCO in 1992. Tourists on bus rental in Czech Republic often come here to immerse themselves in the town’s culture and historical architecture. 

Visit the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov - seventh thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Visit the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov – seventh thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

When you arrive in the Renaissance town of Český Krumlov, stop by Krumlov Castle in the Latrán neighborhood. Climb the tower and you’ll have a stunning view and explore the castle’s geometric gardens. Also on the castle grounds are two theaters, the exquisite Rococo Chateau Theater and the cunning Communist Rotary Theater.

Explore caves in Moravian Karst – eighth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

And the eighth destination in our list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is the cave in the Moravian Karst. A beautiful natural site, Moravian Karst is a Czech tourist attraction, located near the city of Brno. Bus rental in Czech Republic will take you here in just a few hours on the bus.

Karst is an area characterized by limestone formations, underground caves, and picturesque valleys. Punkva Cave is a large cave, connecting caves and underground canyons formed over millions of years under the underground Punkva River. 

Explore caves in Moravian Karst - eighth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Explore caves in Moravian Karst – eighth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

In addition, this area also has Makocha Abyss, also known as Makocha canyon, which is a sinkhole. This is a famous location and is often visited by extremely skilled and experienced divers.

Enjoy a Trdelník – ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

The ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic is to remember to enjoy Trdelník. This is a sweet snack, also known as “chimney cake” in English. You will see stalls selling this cake on the streets, and it is the most basic version of Trdelník cake. 

Enjoy a Trdelník - ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Enjoy a Trdelník – ninth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Trdelník is a sweet cake wrapped into the shape of a round chimney, then roasted over a fire before it is sprinkled with sugar. Some Trdelník sellers also dip them in nuts or top them with Nutella or drizzle them with melted chocolate, to create many interesting flavors for this traditional cake.

Enjoy svíčková – the tenth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

And the last thing you definitely must not forget in the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic when coming to the Czech Republic is to enjoy svíčková. This is an extremely suitable dish in the cold winter. 

After a winter tour in the Czech Republic on a bus rental in Czech Republic, you will need something warm to warm your body. So, stop by a local restaurant and order svíčková. Svíčková is a traditional Czech dish, consisting of thick slices of beef covered in a rich vegetable sauce. 

Enjoy svíčková - the tenth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

Enjoy svíčková – the tenth thing in the list of 10 best things to do in the Czech Republic

This dish is usually served with a spoonful of cranberry sauce, some ice cream and steamed buns. Svíčková is the epitome of the comfort of Czech cuisine, and this dish will leave you feeling warm and satisfied. 

And if you want to explore and have more activities during your bus rental in Czech Republic tour, you can refer here, click here.

Join PTBusrental to perform 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Hopefully with the list of 10 best things to do in Czech Republic that PTBusrental just mentioned to you, you will have an interesting and memorable bus rental in Czech Republic trip. In addition, PTBusrental have private tours in the Czech Republic available as above, and many other tours throughout Europe are waiting for you. 

We are a company specializing in providing bus rental in Czech Republic in particular and in Europe in general. With more than 15 years of experience in the field of tourism, we always have extremely attractive tours in the Czech Republic and Europe. You can refer to 10 interesting things you can do when visiting the Czech city of Prague, click here

Join PTBusrental to perform 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

Join PTBusrental to perform 10 best things to do in Czech Republic

See you at the nearest bus rental in Czech Republic so we can do the 10 best things to do in Czech Republic together.

What 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day?

Prague is an ideal city that you should visit and do 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day for your trip in Europe. And so that you can quickly understand this beautiful city, let’s join PTBusrental to complete all the options in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day on the bus rental in Prague trip.

10 options to see in Prague in 1 day on bus rental in Prague trip

10 options to see in Prague in 1 day on bus rental in Prague trip

Prague – destination for the trip with 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day

First, PTBusrental will help you learn about places to make 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day. Prague is the largest city and capital of the Czech Republic since 1993. 

The city is geographically located next to the Vltava River and in central Bohemia. Prague is one of the 14 wealthiest regions in Europe. Prague first appeared in history in a text written in the 10th century. The areas surrounding the city of Prague are recorded to have been inhabited since prehistoric times. 

Therefore, Prague is a city with a long-standing and extremely respectful culture. The historical center of Prague is recognized by UNESCO as one of 12 world heritage sites in the Czech Republic.

Prague - destination for the trip with 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day

Prague – destination for the trip with 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day

Dubbed the “Golden City”, today, Prague has become an attractive destination for tourists from all over. Famous tourist attractions include Prague Castle, Karl Bridge, medieval town hall clock, ancient Jewish cemetery and synagogue,… 

With more than five million foreign visitors Each year, Prague becomes one of the ten most visited cities in Europe. So, let’s get on the rental bus in Prague with PTBusrental and do 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day.

10 options to see in Prague in 1 day

1. Prague Castle (Pražský hrad)

Let’s start our trip to 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day by visiting the first place, Prague Castle (Pražský hrad). This is the largest ancient castle in the world, built in 855, and is a prominent symbol of Prague city. 

Since 1355, Prague Castle (Pražský hrad) became the residence of the kings of the Czech Republic, then became the residence of the president. The outstanding feature of the Prague Castle (Pražský hrad) area is the St. Vitus. 

First option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Prague Castle (Pražský hrad)

First option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Prague Castle (Pražský hrad)

This is a Catholic church with ancient Gothic architecture. And in the history of Prague, this is where the coronation ceremonies for rulers through the imperial dynasties were held. When you come here to Prague Castle (Pražský hrad), you should visit St. Vitus and Old Royal Palace. 

After exploring and admiring all the ancient architectural features of this building, enjoy the extremely beautiful view of the entire city of Prague when standing at the Old Royal Palace.

2. Charles Bridge (Karlův most)

Charles Bridge (Karlův most) will be the second attraction in our list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day. Just sit on the rental bus in Prague, the driver will take you from Prague Palace to Charles Bridge (Karlův most) quickly. Charles Bridge is the most photographed place and one of the most visited places in Prague city.

Charles Bridge is not just a bridge, but also a “street”. Because many photographers and artists here often choose it as a venue to perform pantomimes, melodious music, etc. This place is always vibrant from early morning to late evening. 

Second option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Charles Bridge (Karlův most)

Second option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Charles Bridge (Karlův most)

Charles Bridge is a famous place, because standing on the bridge, you can have an overview of the city. And in particular, the statues and architecture are the points that create the attraction of Charles Bridge.

3. Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí)

Visiting the center of Prague Old Town is the third thing in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day that we are doing. Old Town Square is the oldest and most important square in the historical center of Prague. 

Since the 10th century, this place has become “the crossroads of European trade”, so it was an extremely important place for the economy at that time. Located near the old customs house (Ungelt), so this is where the import/export process of foreign traders takes place. 

Third option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí)

Third option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí)

In the 14th century, the Town Hall was established in the square and the main church of the Old Town called the church of the Virgin Mary in front of Týn was built soon after. Besides the Virgin Mary in front of Týn, Old Town Square also “owns” the famous Astronomical Clock (Orloj) and many colorful baroque buildings.

4. Jewish Quarter (Josefov)

Let’s visit the fourth place in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day of the bus rental in Prague, which is the Jewish Quarter (Josefov). This is a long-standing historical neighborhood and the smallest cadastral area of Prague. 

Previously, this area was called the “Jewish ghetto” and was surrounded by the Old Town. In 1850, the neighborhood was renamed “Josefstadt”, or Joseph’s City, named after Joseph II, a Holy Roman Emperor who liberated the Jews.

Fourth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Jewish Quarter (Josefov)

Fourth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Jewish Quarter (Josefov)

Jewish Quarter (Josefov) is the birthplace of Franz Kafka – a Jewish novelist and short story writer. When you come here, you should visit interesting places, such as High Synagogue (Vysoká synagoga), Jewish Town Hall (Židovská radnice), Klausen Synagogue (Klausová synagoga), …

5. Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí)

Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí) will be the fifth place we visit in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day. Wenceslas Square is the commercial and administrative center of the city. 

At the same time, Wenceslas Square is also the place where important social and historical events take place in the city of Prague in particular and the Czech Republic in general. 

Fifth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí)

Fifth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí)

In this square, you will find many cinemas, theaters, hotels, restaurants, etc. You often come here to enjoy the specialties of Prague. And you will be able to immerse yourself and participate in the daily life of real Prague people. 

As an area that gathers many entertainment venues with their own characteristics, Wenceslas Square is an extremely interesting and famous tourist destination. When you come here, take some time to visit the National Museum and the national patron statue of St Wenceslas by Josef Václav Myslbek, built in 1912.

6. Vyšehrad Fortress 

And the next destination in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day will be Vyšehrad Fortress. This is a historical fortress located in the city of Prague, Czech Republic, built in the 10th century, on a hill beside the Vltava river. 

With just a few minutes on the rental in Prague bus, you will reach Vyšehrad Fortress. Here there is the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Vysehrad cemetery – containing the remains of many illustrious figures in the history of the Czech Republic. 

Sixth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Vyšehrad Fortress

Sixth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Vyšehrad Fortress

Some of the figures who have been laid to rest here include Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, Karel Čapek and Alphonse Mucha. In addition, this place also has one of the oldest buildings in Prague. That work is the round church of Saint Martin built in the 11th century.

7. Petřín Hill 

Petřín Hill will be our seventh destination in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day. Bus rental in Prague will take you to the top of Petřín Hill for panoramic views of Prague city. 

Seventh option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Petřín Hill

Seventh option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Petřín Hill

Then, come explore the nurseries growing beautiful ornamental plants. Next, visit Petřín Tower for a view of the vast sky. And finally, we will explore the Mirror Maze, we will definitely be extremely excited and happy on this trip.

8. National Theater (Národní divadlo) 

Our eighth destination in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day is the National Theater (Národní divadlo). PTBusrental will join you in admiring the beautiful architecture of the National Theater, one of the most important cultural institutions of the city of Prague. 

And if your travel schedule allows, consider taking the time to watch a performance here to fully experience this National Theater (Národní divadlo).

Eighth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - National Theater (Národní divadlo)

Eighth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – National Theater (Národní divadlo)

9. Letná Park

Letná Park will be our ninth destination on the journey of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day. After visiting famous tourist attractions and exploring the culture and history of Prague, you will relax at Letná Park on this bus rental in Prague. 

Ninth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Letná Park

Ninth option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Letná Park

As a park with a large and green space, Letná Park has a beautiful view that helps you see the skyline of Prague and the romantic Vltava river. While walking around this hill, visit the Metronome, a prominent monument of Letná Park. In addition, this is also the marked location of the old Stalin statue.

10. Strahov Monastery (Strahovský klášter)

This place will be a suitable place for people who are passionate about art and old books. 

Because in Strahov Monastery there is an extremely beautiful library, decorated with extremely elaborate and historically famous frescoes. This place has an impressive collection of old, rare and impressive books that you may not find anywhere else.

The last option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day - Strahov Monastery (Strahovský klášter)

The last option in the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day – Strahov Monastery (Strahovský klášter)

In addition, you can refer to other tourist destinations in Prague if your travel schedule allows, click here.

Let’s do 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day with PTBusrental

We hope that you will have a meaningful and memorable trip to Prague. If you haven’t found a “companion” who can support you for your upcoming private tour in Prague, then let PTBusrental become this friend. 

We are a travel company specializing in providing bus rental services in Prague in particular and in Europe in general. In addition, we also have extremely interesting private tours in Prague waiting for you to come and experience. 

Let's do 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day with PTBusrental

Let’s do 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day with PTBusrental

Our bus rental in Prague will take you around Prague to complete the list of 10 options to see in Prague in 1 day. In addition, you can refer to 10 best things to do in Prague to make your trip more interesting, click here

PTBusrental would like to see you on your upcoming trip.

10 best things to do in Prague

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture, The 10 best things to do in Prague can prove the above admittions. Coming here, you will be immersed when enjoying the following locations. 

1. Charles Bridge (First Karlův) 

Let’s stroll across this iconic 14th-century bridge over the Vltava River. 

This is the oldest bridge that the people of Prague still maintain to this day, that’s why standing on this bridge admiring the view of Prague city gives us the taste of returning to the old times to see Prague.

Enjoying the view of Prague Castle and the city’s skyline by standing at the bridge is far more than wonderful. It is important to note that you can see Prague Castle from this viewpoint. 

Charles Bridge (First Karlův) is listed among the 10 best things to do in Prague

Charles Bridge (First Karlův) is listed among the 10 best things to do in Prague

2. Prague Castle:

Speaking of Prague Castle, we have an activity to explore the largest ancient castle in the world, including St. Vitus, Old Royal Palace, and Golden Lane.

If you can travel to Eastern Europe to Sec, make sure to see Prague Castle. The seat of power of the kings of Bohemia, the Holy Roman emperors, and the official office of the President of the Czech Republic.

Prague Castle is a military fortress built in the 9th century, by Prince Bořivoj, the first Christian prince of Bohemia. The history of Prague was many times expanded, rebuilt, and perfected until the second half of the 18th century.

The castle is an architectural complex of buildings, palaces, watchtowers, and cathedrals that overlap each other and are considered a symbol of the Czech Republic.

3. Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí)

Visit the heart of Prague’s historic district which is surrounded by colorful baroque buildings, the Astronomical Clock, and the Church of Our Lady before Týn.

The old town hall with the Astronomical clock (you can Witness the hourly astronomical clock display on the Old Town Hall, complete with cartoon characters and a procession of apostles)  is located in the southwest corner of the Square. The ancient clock dates from 1410 and tourists can watch the 12 apostles appear every hour from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 pm

The city square is a great place to sit at an outdoor pub and enjoy one of Prague’s great beers on the 10 best things to do in Prague lists while enjoying the atmosphere of the city. One of the most beautiful sights is the blue buildings. surrounding area of the school

Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí)

Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí)

4. Národní muzeum recommended by 10 best things to do in Prague

Learn about Czech history, art, and science at the National Museum, located on Wenceslas Square. This is a collection of museums that introduce many rich aspects of Czech and international culture. 

Visit and admire art exhibitions of the 10 best things to do in Prague lists and learn about the nation’s respected musicians. Discover the cultural traditions of the Czech population and indigenous groups from around the world. 

Admire the architecture of the buildings at the Czech National Museum, many of which are also attractive tourist attractions.

One of the small pieces of information you should keep in mind with the 10 best things to do in Prague when coming to the National Museum: opening hours daily 10 am to 6 pm May September two days 9 am to 5 pm October April closed first Tuesday of the month free admission every Monday first of the month

Národní muzeum recommended by 10 best things to do in Prague

Národní muzeum recommended by 10 best things to do in Prague

5. Cruise on the Vltava River

The Vltava River is the longest in the Czech Republic, extremely romantic and peaceful. If you have visited Europe, you should not miss the wonderful experience of traveling on the Vltava River to see the entire beautiful city of Prague.

Since the late 19th century, the journey to explore Prague by boat on the Vltava River has been enjoyed by many tourists. To date, this is one of the tourist attractions and has become a “specialty” in Prague city.

Enjoy a relaxing boat cruise along the Vltava River, taking in picturesque views and landmarks such as Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, and the National Theater.

These activities offer a glimpse of the diverse attractions that Prague has to offer, blending its historical charm with modern elements. 

As well as recognizing that Prague is a city loved by many tourists, especially the historical sites and museums here recognized by UNESCO as world heritage.

6. Visit Mala Strana district

Visiting Mala Stran district you will enjoy a charming and romantic tour in Prague. Here there is the Prague Palace, below which are small streets filled with history and ancient beauty. More specifically, houses with pastel colors will attract your attention right away. 

In addition, special architecture such as multi-angled windows or sophisticated classical gates creates a picture as beautiful and romantic as it is peaceful here.

Mala Strana is not only a place to enjoy beautiful architecture, but also a world of chic restaurants and cozy cafes. Visitors can enjoy unique Czech Republic specialties in a comfortable and warm atmosphere. 

If you want to experience the mysterious night atmosphere, this district is also famous for its small bars, creating a picture of nightlife in Prague. This makes Mala Strana a must-see destination, where visitors can enjoy the blend of history and modernity in a breathtakingly beautiful space.

Visit Mala Strana district 

Visit Mala Strana district

7. The contemporary light festival

It is held annually in Prague, transforming the city’s landmarks and public spaces into illuminated works of art, often accompanied by musical and multimedia elements that many blogs haven’t repeated 10 best things to do in Prague you to know.

In 2023, the 11th year of the light festival – Signal Festival (updated by 10 best things to do in Prague) will take place in Prague. This year’s theme is nature, technology, society, and culture – all of these will form the ecosystem where humans live and find traces of joy, beauty, and excitement. from discoveries. 

At the festival, there will be pre-installed artwork, video mapping, and light art displays.

This is one of the largest cultural events for the 10 best things to do in Prague of PTBusrental nominated, connecting modern art and new technology in the Czech Republic. 

During four evenings, the streets and public spaces of Prague, the most famous historical monuments, and little-known corners will be transformed under the direction of Czech and international lighting designers.

They create physical displays and artistic spaces, capturing the different shapes of contemporary and historical Prague in unique forms.

8. Specialties in Prague

Prague offers a delightful array of traditional Czech dishes and specialties on the 10 best things to do in Prague lists. Here are ten must-try items to savor while exploring the city

  • Trdelník

Although originally from Slovakia, this sweet pastry has become popular in Prague.

It’s made by wrapping dough around a cylindrical spit, grilling it, and then coating it in sugar and nuts. 

You can find them at various street food stalls.

  • Svíčková na Smetaně

This is a classic Czech dish. The dish consists of marinated sirloin beef, which is slow-cooked and served with a creamy sauce made from sour cream, root vegetables, and spices. It’s typically accompanied by dumplings (knedlíky).

  • Goulash (Guláš)

It’s often served with bread or dumplings and is a comforting dish, especially during colder months. This dish is a hearty stew made with beef or pork, onions, and plenty of paprika. If you want to know this food clearly, you can follow my page with the 10 best things to do in Prague blog links.

  • Knedlíky

These dumplings are a staple in Czech cuisine and can be served with various dishes. They come in different forms, including bread and potato dumplings, and are often used to soak up sauces. This dish is quite a new specialty on the list of 10 best things to do in Prague but I hope you enjoy it once.

  • Chlebíčky

We had a few visitors here and recommended this dish  It is served as open-faced sandwiches featuring toppings such as egg, ham, salami, and pickles. It’s a delicious dessert that pairs well with a cup of coffee. Exploring the local food scene in Prague is a delightful way to immerse yourself in Czech culture and cuisine.

9. Shopping mall destination in Prague 

According to the most recent update on the topic 10 best things to do in Prague, we have 2 most famous shopping locations in Prague. Surely these locations can provide many different attractive shopping experiences for you. Please note that customer reviews may change, so please regularly update information on the blog 10 best things to do in Prague. Here are ten notable shopping malls in Prague:

Palladium Praha: Located in the city center, Palladium is one of the largest shopping centers in Prague, featuring a mix of international and Czech brands, restaurants, and entertainment options.

This large department store is located in the Smíchov district, this shopping center includes many shops, restaurants, cinemas, and supermarkets. With its location in the north-western part of Prague, this shopping center has mastered the goods and trade market here. Most major chains have a branch here. The ground floor has a huge Tesco supermarket.

If you want to eat or watch a movie, facilities like Cinema City are available on the upper floor.

Shopping mall destination in Praha with 10 best things to do in Prague

Shopping mall destination in Praha with 10 best things to do in Prague

10. Visit Prague Castle and St. Vitus 

Prague Castle is not only a symbol of the city but also one of the largest castle complexes in the world and is on a list of the 10 best things to do in Prague. Explore its historic buildings, including St. Stunning Vitus, home to impressive architecture and home to the crown jewels of the Czech Crown. 

The castle offers panoramic views of Prague and the Vltava River, providing a captivating and immersive experience 10 best things to do in Prague that can give you more information.

Visit Prague Castle

Visit Prague Castle

St. Vitus is located at address III. nádvoří 48/2, 119 01 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czech Republic. You can take bus number 192 to Nerudova station or tram number 22, 23, and 14 to Pražský head station.

Not only does it impress with its impressive and sophisticated architectural lines, St. Vitus is also a sacred religious site, where the coronation ceremonies of Czech kings and queens were held. Tourists visiting Europe should not be foolish enough to miss this amazing tourist destination.

Remember that personal preference plays an important role in what people consider the “best” thing to do. Prague has a rich tapestry of history, culture, and entertainment, so exploring the many different aspects of the city will ensure a well-rounded experience.

St. Vitus

St. Vitus


After reading the blog post 10 best things to do in Prague, I am so happy to be able to recount admiring the enchanting city of Prague with each description and image in the article. Cross each historic bridge, admire the grandeur of Prague Castle, and stroll through the charming Old Town Square.

It would be greatly satisfied by looking at the pictures and enjoying the local flavors of traditional Czech dishes, experiencing the cultural richness of the National Museum, and enjoying the panoramic view from the Hill Petřín. 

Don’t miss the iconic Astronomical Clock and enjoy a relaxing cruise on the Vltava River. Prague’s top 10 experiences await – the perfect combination of history, culture, and cuisine.